Traffic Violations
If you are charged with a traffic violation, you could face serious consequences that can impact your personal and professional lives, depending on the severity of the charge and your driving history. You need a skilled Delta traffic violations attorney who can educate you on the criminal justice system and aggressively fight to limit your exposure to severe consequences.
At LunaLaw, LLC, we understand the devastating impact that a conviction can carry. Even a seemingly minor traffic offense can lead to jail time, fines, community service, or the loss of your driving privileges. We will use our knowledge of police procedures to fight for a reduction or dismissal of your charges.
Which Offense Does The Officer Say You Have Committed?
While traffic offenses run the gamut from minor to deadly, the consequences can be serious nonetheless. We will look at your record, the evidence against you and the police procedures employed in your stop to develop a strong, effective defense. We are prepared to handle cases involving:
Reckless driving
Driving after revocation
Driving without a license
Whether you are facing misdemeanor or felony traffic violations, you need an experienced Colorado defense attorney on your side. Count on our firm for aggressive traffic ticket defense.
Driving After Revocation Prohibited (DARP)
DARP typically applies to individuals who were operating a motor vehicle while their driving privileges were revoked. DARP, itself, is a misdemeanor offense with strict penalties.
Aggravated DARP, however, is a felony offense. DARP can become aggravated DARP if a driver is driving with a revoked license and also commits one of the following:
Reckless driving
Vehicular eluding
Put a Skilled Defense Attorney On Your Side
Traffic tickets can be very serious and impact your ability to drive to work, drive to school, or simply complete daily tasks. You need an experienced defense attorney to fight on your side and protect your driving record.
If you have questions regarding traffic crimes defense, schedule a consultation with an experienced lawyer through our convenient online contact form. We serve clients throughout the Grand Junction area.